Nokia 2180 User Manual

Th e D is p la y  
A: Current system in use is A  
B: Current system in use is B  
No indicator: Service is unavailable  
A call is in progress  
Digital service is available  
Roaming Indicator  
Phone is roaming in a non-preferred system  
Your phone is in alpha mode  
You have a voice message(s)  
You have a text message(s)  
Memory location, menu,  
or option number  
0HQX and 0HPRU\ (above) change with menu selection and  
determine the function of the soft keys (see previous  
Ta b le o f C o n te n t s  
1. Sa fe t y At A G la n c e .............................. 1  
2 . Yo u r P h o n e ’s B a tt e r y ........................ 3  
3 . Sig n a l St r e n g t h .................................. 8  
4 . Th e B a s ic s ......................................... 9  
Cool Features.........................................................9  
To Switch Your Phone On......................................9  
To Answer A Call....................................................9  
To Make A Call.....................................................10  
To Make An Emergency Call ................................11  
Keyguard .............................................................12  
Speed Dial............................................................13  
Caller ID ...............................................................14  
Call Waiting ..........................................................15  
Earpiece Volume ..................................................16  
5 . Yo u r P e r s o n a l D ir e c t o r y ................... 17  
Alpha Mode..........................................................17  
To store a name...................................................18  
To Store Numbers and Names.............................19  
6 . Th e M e n u ......................................... 2 2  
Menu Guidelines...................................................22  
Summary of Menu Functions................................23  
Menu 1, Memory Functions..................................25  
Menu 2, Messages...............................................25  
Menu 3, Call Settings ...........................................25  
Menu 4, Phone Settings.......................................29  
Menu 5, Security Options....................................33  
Menu 6, Network Services ...................................33  
Menu 7, System Selection....................................37  
Menu 8, NAM Selection........................................39  
Menu 9, Number Editor........................................39  
Menu 10, Alert Options ........................................40  
Menu 11, Activate Keyguard ................................41  
7 . M e s s a g e s & P a g e s .......................... 4 2  
Voice Messages .................................................. 42  
Text Messagesand Pages.................................... 43  
8 . Se c u r ity Fe a t u r e s ............................ 4 6  
Security Code...................................................... 46  
Automatic Phone Lock ........................................ 47  
Restrict Calls ....................................................... 48  
Hide Memory....................................................... 49  
Automatic PIN Calls............................................. 49  
9 . Te m p o r a r y L is ts & C a ll Tim e r s ......... 5 1  
Dialed Numbers................................................... 51  
Answered Calls.................................................... 51  
Missed Calls........................................................ 51  
Notepad .............................................................. 52  
Call Timers .......................................................... 53  
10 . To u c h To n e s ................................... 5 4  
Touch Tone Settings ........................................... 54  
Touch Tone Strings ............................................. 55  
11. D a t a & Fa x C a lls ............................. 5 7  
12 . A c c e s s o r ie s ................................... 5 8  
Batteries.............................................................. 58  
Chargers ............................................................. 60  
13 . C a r e & M a in te n a n c e ...................... 6 3  
14 . Fo r Yo u r Sa fe t y .............................. 6 4  
Traffic Safety........................................................ 64  
Operating Environment........................................ 64  
Emergency Calls.................................................. 65  
15 . Te c h n ic a l D a t a ............................... 6 7  
1. S a f e t y A t A G la n c e  
Read these simple guidelines before using your  
phone. Failure to comply with these guidelines may  
be dangerous or illegal.  
For more detailed safety information, see  
“For Your Safety” on page 64.  
Ro a d Sa fe t y C o m e s Fir s t  
Don't use a hand-heldphone while driving; park the  
vehicle first.  
Sw itc h O ff In H o s p it a ls  
Switch off your phone when near medical equip-  
ment. Follow any regulations or rules in force.  
Sw itc h O ff O n Air c r a ft  
Mobile phones can cause interference. Using them  
on aircraft is illegal.  
Sw itc h O ff W h e n Re fu e lin g  
Do not use your phone at a refueling point. Do not  
use near fuels or chemicals.  
Sw itc h O ff N e a r B la s t in g  
Do not use your phone where a blasting operation  
is in progress. Observe restrictions, and follow any  
regulations or rules in force.  
Us e Se n s ib ly  
Use only in the normal position (to ear). Avoid un-  
necessary contact with the antenna when phone is  
In te r fe r e n c e  
All mobile phones may be subject to radio interfer-  
ence, which may affect the performance of your  
phone. Therefore, youshouldnever relysolelyupon  
any cellular phone for essential communications  
(e.g., medical emergencies).  
Q u a lifie d Se r v ic e  
Onlyqualifiedservicepersonnel mayinstall or repair  
cellular phone equipment. Use only approved ac-  
cessories and batteries.  
Us in g th is O w n e r ’s M a n u a l  
The wireless phone described in this manual is approved  
for use in AMPS/CDMA networks.  
A number of functions included in this manual are called  
Network Services. They are special services provided by  
cellular service providers. Before you can take advantage  
of any of these Network Services, you must subscribe to  
the service(s) you require from your home service provider.  
You can then activate these functions as described in this  
The manual activation commands for various network ser-  
vices are not presented in this manual (e.g. using and #  
characters for activating or deactivating services). Never-  
theless, your phone is capable of handling commands  
given in that form. For these commands please consult  
with your service provider.  
FC C /In d u s t r y C a n a d a N o t ic e  
Your phone may cause TV or radio interference (e.g. when  
using a telephone in close proximity to receiving equip-  
ment). The FCC/Industry Canada can require you to stop  
using your telephone if such interference cannot be elimi-  
nated. If you require assistance, contact your local service  
2 . Yo u r P h o n e ’s B a t t e r y  
When you first opened the box for your phone, you should  
have found at least one battery and charger, one trans-  
ceiver, and this user guide. For detailed information on  
these items, see “Accessories” on page 58.  
To in s ta ll yo u r b a tt e r y  
Simply (1) place the battery in the grooves on the back of  
your phone. Then (2) slide the battery upward until it clicks.  
To r e m o v e yo u r b a tt e r y  
First switch off your phone. Then (1) press the button on  
top of your battery, (2) slide the battery back, and (3) lift  
away from your phone.  
New batteries must be charged for  
at least 24 hours before initial use,  
with your phone off. A new battery’s  
full performance is achieved only  
after two or three complete charge  
and discharge cycles!  
IMPORTANT: Use only batteries approved by the phone  
manufacturer and recharge your battery only with the  
chargers approved by the manufacturer. See “Important  
battery information” on page 6.  
W h e n s h o u ld yo u c h a r g e ?  
With only a couple of minutes of talk  
time remaining, your phone will warn  
you with a tone and %$77(5< /2: will  
appear on your display.  
Once all the power has been drained  
from your battery, you’ll hear three beeps with the mes-  
sage 5(&+$5*( %$77(5< on your display. At this point,  
your phone will switch itself off.  
To c h a r g e o r r e c h a r g e y o u r b a t te r y  
You can charge your  
phone while it is on or  
off. Simply connect  
the lead from the  
phone or  
place it on a charging  
stand. Then connect  
the charger to a standard 120V AC outlet.  
When the battery begins charging,  
the battery strength indicator on the  
right side of the display will scroll  
and your phone will beep once.  
W h e n is c h a r g in g c o m p le te ?  
To allow the battery to completely charge, wait  
for the charge indicators to stop scrolling. At this  
point, your phone is considered fully charged.  
However, a slight increase in charge may occur  
if the phone is left connected to the charger, this  
is called “trickle charge.”  
Charging times depend on which type of battery and  
charger is used. For approximate charging and operating  
times, see “Accessories” on page 58.  
When charging is completed, disconnect the charger from  
the AC outlet and from your phone.  
Note: When you disconnect the power cord of any acces-  
sory, grasp and pull the plug, not the cord.  
C a n yo u m a k e c a lls w h ile c h a r g in g ?  
Yes, you can. But your battery will not charge while a call  
is in progress. Charging will resume when you end the call.  
W h a t if c h a r g in g fa ils ?  
If your phone displays 127 &+$5*,1*, charging is sus-  
pended. Make sure the battery is connected to an  
approved charging device and that the battery is at room  
temperature. Extreme temperatures, hot or cold, can af-  
fect your battery’s performance and prevent charging.  
If charging still fails, disconnect the charger from your  
phone. Then reconnect the charger to  
phone and re-  
try. If you still experience charging problems, contact your  
dealer and, if necessary, bring your phone in to have it ser-  
viced. Also remember to bring in your battery and charger.  
To d is c h a r g e yo u r b a tt e r y  
There are two ways to properly discharge a battery. You  
can leave your phone on while your battery drains, finally  
turning itself off. Or you can use the discharge facility of  
any approved accessory equipped with this feature.  
Your battery can be charged and discharged hundreds of  
times but it will eventually wear out. When the operating  
time is noticeably shorter than normal, and reconditioning  
fails to extend its life, it’s time to buy a new battery.  
Im p o r ta n t b a tt e r y in fo r m a t io n  
For good operation times, discharge the battery from time  
to time by leaving your phone switched on until it turns it-  
self off or by using the battery discharge facility of any  
approved accessory available for your phone. Do not at-  
tempt to discharge the battery by any other means.  
When a charger is not in use, disconnect it from the power  
source. Do not leave the battery connected to a charger  
for longer than a week, since overcharging may shorten its  
If left unused, a fully charged battery will discharge itself  
over time at room temperature.  
When the battery is not in use, store it uncharged in a cool,  
dark and dry place.  
Temperature extremes will affect the ability of your battery  
to charge: it may require cooling or warming first.  
Do not short circuit the battery. Accidental short-circuiting  
can occur when a metallic object (coin, clip, or pen) causes  
direct connection of the + and - terminals of the battery  
(metal strips on the back of the battery), for example, when  
you carry a spare battery in your pocket or purse. Short  
circuiting the terminal may damage the battery or the con-  
necting object.  
Use the battery only for its intended purpose. Never use  
any charger or battery that is damaged or worn out.  
Leaving the battery in hot or cold places, such as in a closed  
car in summer or winter conditions, will reduce the capac-  
ity and lifetime of the battery. Always try to keep the battery  
between 59°F and 77°F (15°C and 25°C). A phone with a  
hot or cold battery may temporarily not work, even when  
the battery is fully charged. NiMH battery performance is  
particularly limited in temperatures below 14°F (-10°C).  
The battery is a sealed unit with no serviceable parts. Don’t  
attempt to open the case.  
Don’t dispose of a battery in a fire! Dispose of used batter-  
ies in accordance with local regulations. Recycle!  
phone near the network’s base station con-  
sumes less power. Keeping the antenna fully extended  
whenever possible maintains the connection to the net-  
work with less power.  
Your phone switches itself off if the operating temperature  
phone exceeds 158°F/ 70°C. Also, it switches off  
after 12 hours if connected to a Compact Handsfree Car  
When the battery charge is very low,  
phone reduces  
the power at which it transmits radio signals to extend the  
talk time. This may affect the quality of calls.  
In some vehicles, the ignition must be on in order to charge  
your phone with the Mobile Charger.  
3 . S ig n a l S t r e n g t h  
Your phone operates on radio waves, and the quality of ra-  
dio reception depends entirely on the strength of the radio  
signal in your area.  
Because the radio coverage is maintained by a wireless  
network, the quality of calls on a wireless phone depends  
on the strength of the wireless radio signal.  
The stronger the radio signal, the better the call  
quality. A strong signal is indicated by the signal  
indicators on the left side of your phone’s dis-  
play, which scroll as the strength of the signal  
increases and decreases.  
Increasing your phone’s signal may be easy. Try  
moving your phone slightly, or move towards a  
window if you’re calling from inside a building.  
N o s e r v ic e  
If you’re outside the wireless service  
area, 12 6(59,&( will display on  
your phone. No calls can be made or  
received, including emergency calls.  
Un a v a ila b le s e r v ic e  
When network service is unavailable  
from your service provider or its affili-  
ates, emergency calls may be possible  
via other networks to their designated  
emergency number only (e.g. 911 or  
some other official emergency  
Your phone’s display will remain empty, but a 'will appear  
at the top of your screen. No other calls can be made or  
Also, see “To Make An Emergency Call” on page 11.  
4 . T h e B a s ic s  
Your phone has many different features, some more ad-  
vanced than others. This chapter highlights some very  
basic features which you are most likely to use every day.  
C o o l Fe a t u r e s  
Did you know that you can lock the keys on your phone to  
prevent accidental key presses and phone calls? Or that  
your phone can display a reminder message whenever  
you turn it on? You can also stop your phone from ringing  
without even answering the call. These are called Cool  
These are just some of the many Cool Features you’ll find  
in your phone. Look for the  
icon throughout this own-  
er’s manual to see how you can use these Cool Features.  
To S w it c h Yo u r P h o n e O n  
1) Press and hold  
2) If you want to make a call, fully extend the  
for about three seconds  
antenna for optimum performance  
Note: As with any other radio device, avoid  
any unnecessary contact with the antenna  
when your phone is on.  
To A n s w e r A C a ll  
Simply press and release  
You can also press any other key on your phone to answer  
an incoming call, with the exception of the  
ð, and  
W a n t to s to p yo u r p h o n e fr o m  
Simply press  
r in g in g w iôt h o u t a n s w e r in g it ?  
. This keeps you from answering a call  
by pressing  
when it’s incíonvenient to talk. You can still answer the call  
if &DOO is still flashing on your display.  
It’s also great way to screen your calls if you don’t want to  
be disturbed. You’ll know who called as soon as your  
phone rings if you subscribe to Caller ID. And if you have  
Voice Messaging, the call will be forwarded to your voice  
See “Caller ID” on page 14 and “Voice Messages” on page  
42 for more information on these features.  
To M a k e A C a ll  
1) Extend the antenna  
2) Enter the phone number, include area code if  
3) Press  
If t h e c a ll d id n ’t g o t h r o u g h  
It may be because the signal is too weak, in which case  
you’ll hear three beeps and the  
the display.  
icon disappears from  
It may also be because you have at-  
tempted a call to a restricted number  
or your phone is locked. If this hap-  
pens, you may get the message &$//  
127 $//2:(' on your display.  
See “Signal Strength” on page 8, “Menu 5 3, Restrict  
Calls” on page 48, and “Automatic Phone Lock” on  
page 47 for more information.  
If yo u mùa k e a m is t a k e d ia lin g  
to delete the last character, or press and  
to clear the entire display.  
W h e n yôo u w a n t t o h a n g u p  
W h e n yo u w a n t t o c le a r t h e d is p la y  
Press and hold  
To M a k e A n Em e r g e n c y C a ll  
Before attempting any emergency calls, see “Emergency  
Calls” on page 65 for important safety information.  
1) Switch  
phone on and make sure service is available  
2) Press and hold  
emergency number (e.g. 911) and press  
to clear the display. Eínter the  
. Give  
your location and do not end the call until permission  
is granted.  
Em e r g e n c y K e y 9  
This feature allows you to attempt emergency calls with a  
single push of a button. Emergency Key 9 (Menu 3 4) must  
be 21 for this feature to work.  
Press 9 then  
Press and hold 9 for more than 4 seconds  
Note: When Keyguard is 21, calls may be possible to the  
emergency number programmed into your phone (e.g.  
911 or other official emergency number). However, Emer-  
gency Key 9 will not operate.  
Official emergency numbers vary by location (e.g. 911).  
Your phone has an emergency number programmed into  
your phone that can be dialed automatically with Emer-  
gency Key 9. However, this may not be the proper number  
in all circumstances.  
K e y g u a r d  
This feature helps prevent accidental key presses, especially  
if you wear your phone on a belt clip or keep it in your pocket.  
When Keyguard is activated and there is no call in  
progress, key presses will not be accepted and key tones  
will not be generated, except for calls to 911 (oríother offi-  
cial preprogrammed emergency numbers) and  
ô. If the key is pressed, the lights will come on.  
To q u ic k ly a côtiv a te K e yg u a r d  
$&7,9( appears on your display.  
This will remain on the screen for  
about 2 seconds.  
This method can be used at any time,  
even at the end of a call.  
A n o t h e r w a y o f a c tiv a t in g K e yg u a r d  
With an empty display,  
Press 0HQX, then ∗  
Ye t a th ir d w a y t o a c t iv a t e K e y g u a r d  
You can activate Keyguard a third way by pressing 0HQX  
11. Your phone will then be protected from any unwanted  
key presses.  
Note: Keyguard cannot be activated when your phone is  
connected to a car kit or an office handsfree kit.  
To d e a c t iv a t e K e y g u a r d  
Press 0HQX, then ∗  
To a n s w e r a c a ll w ith K e yg u a r d a c t iv e  
During the call, the keypad remains unlocked for normal  
operation. Keyguard automatically reactivates after the call  
is completed.  
When placing an emergency call with Keyguard active, the  
emergency number is displayed only after you’ve keyed in  
all of the digits. After the emergency call, Keyguard auto-  
matically becomes active again.  
Note: When Keyguard is active, calls may be possible to the  
emergency number programmed into your phone (e.g. 911  
or other official emergency number). However, Emergency  
Key 9 will not operate.  
S p e e d D ia l  
Speed Dial is a convenient feature, allowing you to make  
phone calls quickly and easily. Your phone recalls the  
phone number from your personal directory, displays it  
briefly, then dials it.  
1) Enter memory location number (2 to 99)  
2) Press  
Note: Memory location 9 only works when Emergency Key  
9 is set to 2II. When set to 2Q, the programmed emer-  
gency number overrides this Speed Dial location.  
See “Emergency Key 9” on page 11 and “Your Personal  
Directory” on page 17.  
O n e -To u c h D ia lin g  
This feature operates very much like Speed Dial, except  
it’s even easier to use. If you plan on using this feature,  
you’ll need to store your most frequently-  
dialed numbers in memory locations 2 through 8.  
Once you have turned One-Touch Dialing on with Menu 3 3,  
Press and hold the key (2 through 8 only) for a few  
seconds to call the number in the corresponding  
memory location.  
Note: When using the Speed Dial and One-Touch Dial fea-  
tures, remember that the 1 and 9 keys are designated for  
your voice mailbox and for attempting emergency calls  
(only if Emergency Key 9 is 2Q).  
Also, see “Menu 3 3, One-Touch Dialing” on page 26 and  
“Emergency Key 9” on page 11 for more information.  
L a s t N u m b e r Re d ia l  
This feature allows you to quickly redial the last number  
you dialed. With the display empty,  
and wait three seconds  
If you want to see the last ten numbers you have dialed,  
press í, and then quickly press W or V to scroll  
through the list. This must be done quickly, otherwise the  
last number dialed will be redialed.  
Once you see the phone number you wish to dial, simply  
again to dial the number  
C a lle r ID  
Caller ID is a feature that may be available from your ser-  
vice provider. This feature helps identify incoming calls, so  
you can decide if you want to answer the call.  
If Caller ID is active,  
phone may display the caller’s  
phone number. If the caller’s name is stored in your per-  
sonal directory, the associated name will be displayed  
instead of the number.  
&$// or &$//0,' 127 $9$,/$%/(  
displays when the number isn’t  
Contact your service provider for  
availability and subscription  
For details on storing names and numbers, see “Your Per-  
sonal Directory” on page 17.  
D is t in c t Rin g in g  
You may set your phone to ring distinctly when someone  
calls. Just store the person’s name and number in your  
personal directory and include the character “!” somewhere  
in the person’s name (e.g. Martha!). Your phone will then  
ring distinctly when there’s an incoming call from that per-  
son’s number.  
Note: To use this feature, you must subscribe to Caller ID.  
For details on storing names and numbers, see “Your Per-  
sonal Directory” on page 17.  
C a ll W a it in g  
With Call Waiting, the active call is put on hold as you an-  
swer another incoming call. This service is provided by  
your service provider.  
When call waiting has been activated, your phone will  
beep to let you know you have an incoming call. Your  
phone may also display the incoming caller’s identification.  
To a c tiva te o r d e a c tiv a te C a ll W a it in g  
In some areas, your service provider may give you a fea-  
ture code to activate or deactivate Call Waiting. You may  
choose to store this code into your phone using Menu 6 7,  
Network Feature Setting.  
Use Menu 6 4 to $FWLYDWH or &DQFHO Call Waiting.  
In other areas, this may not be necessary depending on  
your service provider.  
This feature appears on the menu only when activated  
with Menu 6 7. See “Menu 6 7, Network Feature Setting”  
on page 36 for details.  
To a n s w e r a w a it in g c a ll  
To s w aíp a c tiv e a n d h e ld c a lls  
to switch between calls  
Ea r p ie c e Vo lu m e  
The two buttons on the side of  
phone are your  
phone’s volume keys. The upper button increases and the  
lower button decreases the volume of your phone’s ear-  
piece. These buttons also control the volume for any  
connected accessory.  
To m u t e yo u r p h o n e ’s m ic r o p h o n e  
If you wish to put a caller on hold during a phone call, you  
can mute your phone’s microphone.  
During an active call,  
1) Press and hold left  
for a  
2) Press W or V to 0XWH  
3) Press 2.  
Note: This feature is only available during a call.  
To u n m u t e yo u r p h o n e ’s m ic r o p h o n e  
Follow the same steps as above, except press W or V to  
8QPXWH and press 2..  
For more information on DTMF tones, please see “Touch  
Tones” on page 54.  
5 . Yo u r P e r s o n a l D ir e c t o r y  
You can store up to 100 numbers and associated names  
in your personal directory. This gives you easy access to  
your most frequently-dialed phone numbers.  
Stored numbers may be as many as 16 digits long. Stored  
names may be up to 16 characters long.  
Your phone has 8 “extended number” locations (of your  
choice) that allow the stored number to contain as many  
as 30 digits in addition to the stored name.  
Identical names may not be used  
more than once in memory. 5(0  
3/$&(" followed by the currently  
stored name appears when you try to  
store a name already in memory.  
A lp h a M o d e  
To enter names, retrieve numbers based on names, and  
view names, press ÷. Your phone displays ABC to indi-  
cate that you can use the number keys to enter letters as  
well as numbers, and that you are viewing names.  
When a number is displayed, press  
to see the associ-  
ated name (if there is one). When a name is displayed,  
to see the associated number.  
is displayed, you can enter these characters:  
K e y C h a r a c t e r s K e y  
C h a r a c t e r s  
- ? ! , . : ” ’ & $ ( ) 0  
Advance to the next  
Blank space  
The “!” character is used for distinct ringing. See “Distinct  
Ringing” on page 14 for more information.  
To s w itc h fr o m u p p e r t o lo w e r c a s e  
When storing names into your personal directory, simply  
press and hold the corresponding key to the letter you  
wish to enter. The letter will automatically switch from up-  
and forth between cases. Press  
per to lower case. Simply repeatùthis step to switch back  
to correct any  
Sp e c ia l C h a r a c t e r s  
is not displayed, you can use the key to enter  
these special characters:  
Pr e s s  
Th is K e y:  
To G e t Th is Sp e c ia l C h a r a c te r :  
+, links memory locations together  
p, creates a pause  
w, causes the phone to wait for input  
Also, see “Touch Tones” on page 54 for more information  
on using special characters.  
To s t o r e a n a m e  
1) Press ÷  
2) Press and release the key labeled with the letter you  
want until it appears  
3) For another letter on the same key or another key,  
quickly press after the first letter, or wait a few  
To S t o r e N u m b e r s a n d N a m e s  
To fa s t s a v e  
1) Enter phone number  
2) Press and hold 0HPRU\  
To a d d a n a m e t o a s t o r e d p h o n e n u m b e r  
1) Recall stored number (notice memory location at top,  
right corner of display; write this number down to use  
in step 4)  
2) Press  
then enter name  
3) Press 0HPRU\, then 6WRUH  
4) At 6725( ,1 /2&$7,21" enter recalled location  
number from step 1  
5) Press 2. twice  
To c h a n g e t h e n u m b e r s t o r e d w it h a  
n a m e  
1) Recall stored number  
2) Press  
3) Enter new number  
repeatedly to erase number  
4) Press 0HPRU\  
5) Press 6WRUH, then 2. at 5(3/$&("  
To e r a s e s t o r e d n a m e s a n d n u m b e r s  
With display empty,  
1) Press 0HPRU\  
2) Press 6WRUH, then 6WRUH again  
3) Press W to name you wish to  
erase, or enter name, or press  
to see numbers, then W  
4) Press (UDVH  
Note: Erase functions are permanent, so be careful!  
To e r a s e a ll s to r e d n u m b e r s  
1) Press 0HQX 01 5  
2) Press W to (UDVH $OO/ press  
3) Enter security code at 6HFXULW\  
FRGH=, press 2.  
4) Press 2. at $5( <28 685("  
To r e c a ll s to r e d n u m b e r s  
1) With display empty, press W or V  
2) Press  
Press W or V repeatedly to scroll through stored  
to call the displayed number  
To r e c a ll s to r e d n a m e s  
1) With display empty, press  
2) Press to call the displayed name  
then W or V  
Press W or V repeatedly to scroll through stored names.  
To r e c a ll n u m b e r s b y m e m o r y lo c a tio n  
1) Enter location number  
2) Press 0HPRU\  
3) Press )LQG  
4) Press  
to call the displayed number or name.  
To r e c a ll n u m b e r s b y n a m e  
1) Press 0HPRU\  
2) Enter name or its first few letters  
3) Press )LQG  
Your phone may find more than one  
entry that begins with the same letter.  
Use W or V until the desired name appears.  
To b e g in s c r o llin g a t a p a r t ic u la r lo c a tio n  
Enter first digit of the location, then , then W  
If you press 2then W, for example, your phone begins  
scrolling at location 20, if you have numbers stored in that  
location. This is handy if you’ve grouped together stored  
Sta t u s o f yo u r P e r s o n a l D ir e c to r y  
Use Menu 01 6 to scroll through the number of empty, full,  
and hidden locations.  
6 . T h e M e n u  
Your phone contains menus and submenus, giving you  
access to certain features and allowing you to customize  
your phone to suit your individual preferences.  
M e n u G u id e lin e s  
0HQX enters your phone’s menu structure  
W and V scroll through menus, submenus, and options  
Press 6HOHFW or 2. to enter submenus or choose options  
Press 4XLW to close the current submenu and return to the  
previous menu or submenu  
exits the menu without making changes  
H e lp te x t  
If you access a menu and are not quite sure what it does,  
or wait just a few seconds and a brief description  
of that feature will automatically appear on your display.  
M e n u & s u b m e n u s h o r tc u t s  
Press 0HQX, then menu number, then submenu number  
The menus, submenus and setting options are numbered.  
The number is shown in the display’s top right corner.  
Once you reach the menu or submenu you want, you can  
also use W or V to see other options.  
Press the menu, submenu, and setting numbers within a  
couple of seconds of each other when using this method.  
Most of the instructions given in this guide use this meth-  
od, e.g. to access the Dialed Numbers submenu, simply  
press the 0HQX softkey, then 01 1.  
S u m m a r y o f M e n u Fu n c t io n s  
M e m o r y Fu n c t io n s  
M e n u 0 1  
P h o n e Se tt in g s  
M e n u 4  
1 Dialed Numbers  
2 Answered Calls  
3 Missed Calls  
4 Clear All Call Lists  
5 Memory Erase  
1 Lights  
2 Keypad Tones  
3 Manual DTMF Tones  
4 Auto DTMF Length  
5 Personal Reminder Note  
6 Countdown Timer  
7 Restore Settings  
8 Beep On Roam  
9 Menu List  
6 Memory Status  
7 Call Timers  
See page 51 for details  
10 Language  
11 Network Time  
M e s s a g e s  
M e n u 2  
See page 29 for details  
1 Listen To Voice  
Se c u r it y O p t io n s  
M e n u 5  
2 Read Messages  
3 Set Voice Mailbox  
1 Automatic Phone Lock  
2 Change Lock Code  
3 Restrict Calls  
See page 42 for details  
4 Hide Memory  
See page 46 for details  
C a ll Se t t in g s  
M e n u 3  
N e t w o r k Se r v ic e s  
M e n u 6  
1 Ringing Volume  
2 Ringing Tone  
3 One-Touch Dialing  
4 Emergency Key 9  
5 Automatic Redial  
6 Automatic Answer  
7 Calling Card  
Items shown with an ap-  
pear on the menu ONLY if  
this feature has been activat-  
ed in your phone and is  
supported by your service  
8 One-Touch PIN Calls  
9 Messages Only Mode  
1 Dual Mode Selection  
3 Call Forwarding ó  
4 Call Waiting ó  
See page 25 for details  
5 Selective Call  
Acceptance ó  
6 Send Own Number ó  
A le r t O p t io n s  
M e n u 10  
7 Network Feature  
See page 33 for details.  
You can select the alert  
options for your phone.  
You can set your phone to  
ring, beep once, vibrate,  
or remain silent when you  
have a call.  
Sys t e m Se le c t io n  
M e n u 7  
This feature selects which  
system your phone uses  
while travelling outside  
your home and preferred  
service areas (roaming), as  
well as within your home  
See page 40 for details.  
A c t iv a t e K e yg u a r d  
M e n u 11  
There are several ways to  
activate your phones Key-  
guard. This feature helps  
prevent accidental key  
presses when your phone  
is in your pocket or purse.  
See page 37 for details.  
N A M Se le c tio n  
M e n u 8  
This feature allows you to  
select the phone number  
and current home system  
your phone is using.  
See page 12 for details.  
See page 39 for details.  
N u m b e r Ed it o r  
M e n u 9  
This feature allows you to  
edit the presently displayed  
phone number. This helps  
when you need to add a  
prefix to a number stored  
in your personal directory  
when you want to call that  
number while roaming.  
See page 39 for details.  
M e n u 1, M e m o r y Fu n c t io n s  
See “Your Personal Directory” on page 17 for information  
on how to store numbers and names into your personal  
“Temporary Lists & Call Timers” on page 51 shows how  
your phone automatically stores the last 10 dialed num-  
bers, numbers of the last 10 answered calls, and numbers  
of the last 10 missed calls.  
M e n u 2 , M e s s a g e s  
See “Messages & Pages” on page 42 for information on  
how to use your phone’s voice mail and how to receive  
text messages and pages.  
M e n u 3 , C a ll S e t t in g s  
You can customize your phone by setting its ringing vol-  
ume and tone with Call Settings. You can also activate  
some key features such as One-Touch Dialing and Emer-  
gency Key 9, as well as storing up to four long-distance  
calling cards.  
M e n u 3 1, Rin g in g Vo lu m e  
You hear each ringing level as you  
scroll through the volume levels.  
When your phone is connected to an  
accessory, such as a headset or a car  
kit, the ringing volume for that acces-  
sory can be set individually with this  
M e n u 3 2 , Rin g in g To n e  
Your phone plays a sample of each  
pattern as you scroll.  
Note: The ringing tone selection will  
remain the same for all accessories.  
M e n u 3 3 , O n e -To u c h D ia lin g  
With this feature on, you can dial any of the phone num-  
bers stored in personal directory locations 2-8 by pressing  
and holding the number of the personal directory location.  
The default setting is 2II.  
See “One-Touch Dialing” on page 13 for more information.  
Note: Pressing and holding 9 causes your phone to at-  
tempt to make an emergency call if you’ve turned on the  
Emergency Key 9 feature (Menu 3 4).  
M e n u 3 4 , Em e r g e n c y K e y 9  
With this feature on, you can use the 9 key to attempt  
emergency calls to the emergency number prepro-  
grammed into your phone. Either press and hold 9 or  
press 9 then í. The default setting is 2II.  
Note: When Keyguard is 21, calls may be possible to the  
emergency number programmed into your phone (e.g.  
911 or other official emergency number). However, Emer-  
gency Key 9 will not operate.  
See “Emergency Key 9” on page 11 and “Keyguard” on  
page 12 for more information.  
M e n u 3 5 A u t o m a tic Re d ia l  
trying to call up to 3 times. Press  
tempts. The default value is 2II.  
When this is on, your phone rediaôls the number you are  
to stop the call at-  
Note: This feature attempts to redial numbers when the  
wireless network is busy. It will not redial numbers to a  
busy party.  
M e n u 3 6 , A u t o m a t ic An s w e r  
When your phone is connected to a headset or the hands-  
free facility of a car kit, you can set your phone to answer  
calls automatically after one ring. Car kits must be  
equipped with the ignition sense option. The default set-  
ting is 2II.  
Note: This feature will not function with data calls.  
M e n u 3 7 , C a llin g C a r d  
Making a calling card call is easy with  
this feature. However, you must first  
store your calling card information  
into your phone. Your phone can  
store up to four different calling cards.  
Once the card’s information is stored  
and selected with Menu 3 7, your phone will automatically  
use this card when you make calling card calls unless you  
select a different one.  
To s to r e a c a llin g c a r d  
Once you press 0HQX 3 7, your phone lists &DUG $0' and  
1RQH. Press W to select the card you want and press 2..  
Enter your five-digit security code at the 6HFXULW\ &RGH:  
prompt, then press 2.. This gives you the 6(/(&7 ',$/0  
,1* 6(48(1&( screen. Press 6HOHFW and select the  
sequence your card uses. If you’re not sure which dialing  
sequence you should use, refer to the back of your calling  
For example, if you must 1) dial the 1-800 access number,  
then 2) enter your calling card number and PIN, then 3) dial  
the phone number, then you must select that dialing se-  
quence (see chart) for your phone.  
After you have selected the dialing sequence, you must  
store the information necessary for that dialing sequence,  
such as the access number, card number and PIN.  
If you wish to store the name of the calling card, you must  
while $FFHVV QXPEHU= or &DUG QXPEHU= is  
For more information on your phone’s security code, see  
“Security Features” on page 46.  
C a r d s  
u s in g t h is  
s e q u e n c e *  
D ia lin g  
Se q u e n c e  
Us e fo r c a r d s t h a t  
r e q u ir e yo u t o :  
Access No.  
Dial 1-800 access number,  
MCI, AT&T True  
+ Phone No.  
then phone number, then card Choice, Sprint  
+ Card No. + PIN number + PIN (if required)  
Access No. Dial 1-800 access number,  
+ Card No. + PIN then card number + PIN (if  
Canada, Unitel  
WorldPhone MCI  
+ Phone No.  
required), then phone number  
+ Phone No.  
Dial the prefix (any numbers GTE, PacBell,  
that must precede the phone AT&T, Stentor  
+ Card No. + PIN number) and phone number  
you want to dial, then card  
number, then PIN (if required)  
These calling cards are frequently used with these dialing  
sequences. However, they may vary and are subject to  
change at the phone company’s discretion.  
To m a k e a c a llin g c a r d c a ll  
1) Enter the phone number, includ-  
ing any prefix that your calling  
card may require  
2) Press and hold  
for a few  
seconds until the phone displays  
&$5' &$//  
3) When you hear a tone or voice prompt, press 2..  
When you hear another tone or voice prompt, press  
2. again.  
You may also use the keypad, when necessary, to send  
any other numbers that must be sent along with any  
stored calling card information.  
To c h a n g e s to r e d c a llin g c a r d in fo r m a tio n  
If you wish to change any calling card information already  
stored in your phone, simply follow the same instructions  
used to store a new calling card.  
The dialing sequence that appears first is the one that is  
currently selected. To enter a new access number or card  
number, press  
repeatedly to erase old numbers and  
enter new information as needed.  
M e n u 3 8 , O n e -To u c h P in C a lls  
One-Touch PIN is a network security feature that is used  
to help prevent fraud. Please see “Automatic PIN Calls” on  
page 49 for more information.  
M e n u 3 9 , M e s s a g e s O n ly M o d e  
Your phone will not ring when you set it to Messages Only  
Mode. Instead, your phone will send all calls to your voice  
mail. You can also receive text messages and pages when  
someone tries to call you. The default setting is 2II.  
See “Messages & Pages” on page 42 for more  
M e n u 4 , P h o n e S e t t in g s  
This feature allows you to customize some of your phone’s  
M e n u 4 1, L ig h ts  
When you turn the lights 2Q, your phone’s display and key-  
pad will light up for fifteen seconds whenever you press a  
key, when someone is calling, or when you connect your  
phone to any accessory. They’ll stay on permanently if  
your phone is connected to a car kit.  
When you turn the lights 2II while  
your phone is connected to a car kit,  
your phone’s display and keypad will  
illuminate for fifteen seconds whenev-  
er someone calls.  
However, when your phone is used  
by itself or it’s connected to any accessory other than a car  
kit, the lights will not come on at any time when the lights  
are set to 2II. The default setting is 2Q.  
at any time, simply press  
Regardless of the setting,ðif you wish to turn your lights 2Q  
M e n u 4 2 , K e yp a d To n e s  
Keypad tones are the sounds you hear when you press  
any key on your phone’s keypad. You can select the vol-  
ume level of this tone, or you can turn it off. The default  
setting is /HYHO 5.  
Note: The keypad tone volume is set separately for each  
accessory you use.  
M e n u s 4 3 a n d 4 4 , M a n u a l D TM F To n e s  
a n d A u t o D TM F L e n g t h  
Because your phone is a touch tone phone, it creates cer-  
tain sounds when you press its keys. These tones can be  
used for many automated, over-the-phone services such  
as checking your bank balance, using your voice mailbox  
options, and even checking airplane arrival and departure  
times. These two features set the length of your phone’s  
touch tones when pressed manually or sent automatically.  
See “Touch Tone Settings” on page 54 for details.  
M e n u 4 5 , P e r s o n a l Re m in d e r N o t e  
This feature allows you to store a text message in your  
phone. This note will display whenever your phone is  
switched on.  
1) Press 0HQX 4 5  
2) Enter new message or edit the  
existing one (maximum length is  
30 characters)  
3) Press 2SWLRQ  
4) Press W to 6WRUH or (UDVH  
5) Press 2.  
Characters you key in are added to the right of the cursor.  
to erase characters to the left of the cursor.  
Press W or V to move the cursor right or left.  
Next time you switch your phone on, the Personal Re-  
minder Note is displayed. The note will continue to be  
displayed each time you turn your phone on until you press  
M e n u 4 6 , C o u n t d o w n Tim e r  
If you want to set your phone to sound an alarm within a  
specified period of time (e.g. in ten minutes), simply set  
your phone’s Countdown Timer. It’s very easy to do.  
1) Press 0HQX 4 6  
2) Enter time to count down at 6HW WLPHU= (e.g. 0010  
for ten minutes)  
3) Press 2.  
Your phone sounds an alarm and dis-  
plays &2817'2:1 &203/(7(' when  
the time you have entered has  
elapsed. The timer stops if the battery  
runs out or if you turn your phone off.  
An incoming call overrides the timer  
alarm. After you’ve completed the call, &2817'2:1 &200  
3/(7(' appears, but your phone does not sound an  
To s to p th e tim e r b e fo r e t h e a la r m  
s o u n d s  
Follow the steps above, except enter 0000 at  
To c le a r t h e a la r m w h e n it ’s s o u n d in g  
Press 2. or any other key.  
M e n u 4 7 , Re s to r e Se tt in g s  
This option allows you to reset the settings of most menu  
features to factory defaults (the same as when you first re-  
ceived your phone).  
Note: The memory, calling card information, timers,  
counters and the language selection are not reset.  
M e n u 4 8 , B e e p -O n -Ro a m  
Activate this feature and your phone will beep once if you  
travel outside your home area while in a call.  
See “Roaming Indicators” on page 39 for more details on  
roaming indicators.  
M e n u 4 9 , M e n u L is t  
This feature lets you choose either a shortened or com-  
plete menu list. The complete menu contains all menu  
items, whereas the short menu shows only the most es-  
sential menu items, namely: Messages (/,67(1 72  
92,&( 0(66$*(6/ 5($' 0(66$*(6/ 6(7 92,&( 0$,/0  
%2; 180%(5), Phone Settings (5(6725( 6(77,1*6/  
0(18 /,67), Alert Options, and Activate Keyguard. The  
default setting is &RPSOHWH.  
M e n u 4 10 , L a n g u a g e  
You can choose English, Spanish, or French for all of your  
phone’s displays. The default setting for your phone is  
M e n u 4 11, N e t w o r k Tim e  
You can set your phone to display the day of the week, date,  
and time when your phone is in idle state and during a call.  
Because this feature is network-sup-  
ported, there is no need to set the  
date or time. However, you must ac-  
tivate this feature through your  
phone’s menu. This feature functions  
in areas only where digital service is  
To d is p la y n e t w o r k t im e  
Your phone can display both day of the week, time, and  
date, or just the time. With the display empty,  
1) Press 0HQX 4 11  
2) Press V or W to desired setting (Date&Time, Time,  
and Off)  
Note: Day of the week will appear when Date&Time is  
3) Press 2.  
The default setting is Date&Time.  
M e n u 5 , S e c u r it y O p t io n s  
Your phone contains many security features, such as hiding  
memory locations, restricting calls, and locking your  
For information on these and other security features, see  
“Security Features” on page 46.  
M e n u 6 , N e t w o r k S e r v ic e s  
Some of the features described in this section are network  
services, which may not appear in your phone’s menu un-  
less you store the feature code you received from your  
service provider.  
Storing feature codes is optional for using any network  
service. Contact your service provider for more information  
about feature codes and how to use them.  
For more information, see “Menu 6 7, Network Feature  
Setting” on page 36.  
M e n u 6 1, D u a l M o d e Se le c t io n  
You can set your phone to operate in  
analog (AMPS) and/or digital (CDMA)  
networks. However, the network can  
always override your setting.  
When you select dual mode (Ana.&  
Dig.), your phone will give priority to  
the digital network. If a digital network is not available, your  
phone will then select an analog network.  
Your phone will automatically return to $QD1& 'LJ1 when  
you end a phone call or when your phone is turned off and  
back on again.  
M e n u 6 3 , C a ll Fo r w a r d in g  
This feature is a network service that must be subscribed  
from your service provider. This feature is used to forward  
incoming calls to another specified number so you won’t  
miss any calls.  
This menu and it’s submenu items appear on the menu  
only if activated with Menu 6 7. Contact your service pro-  
vider for details.  
To a c tiva te C a ll Fo r w a r d in g  
1) Press 0HQX 6 3  
2) Press W to desired option (see below)  
3) Press 2.  
4) Press W to $FWLYDWH or &DQFHO  
5) Enter phone number that calls are to be forwarded to  
at 1XPEHU=  
6) Press 2.  
This forwards your calls to the number that’s already on  
display before you select $FWLYDWH or the phone number  
you entered at 1XPEHU=.  
)25:$5' $// &$//6 (Menu 6 3 1) forwards all incoming  
)25:$5' ,) %86< (Menu 6 3 2) forwards calls only when  
you’re on the phone.  
)25:$5' ,) 127 $16:(5(' (Menu 6 3 3) forwards calls  
if you don’t answer.  
)25:$5' ,) 287 2) 5($&+ (Menu 6 3 4) forwards calls  
if you are out of the network’s range.  
&$1&(/ $// )25:$5',1* (Menu 6 3 5) cancels all call for-  
warding options you have active.  
M e n u 6 4 , C a ll W a itin g  
Please see “Call Waiting” on page 15.  
M e n u 6 5 , Se le c tiv e C a ll A c c e p t a n c e  
This feature allows you to program the network to screen  
incoming calls. The caller’s phone number is compared to  
either an allowed numbers list or a blocked numbers list,  
and the call is either rejected or allowed.  
1) Press 0HQX 6 5  
2) Press W to $OORZHG 1XPEHUV /LVW or %ORFNHG  
3) Press W to $FWLYDWH, 'HDFWLYDWH, or (GLW  
4) Press 2.  
This menu and its submenus appear on the menu only if  
activated with Menu 6 7. Contact your service provider for  
$OORZHG 1XPEHUV /LVW allows calls when incoming  
caller’s number matches one on the allowed numbers list.  
%ORFNHG 1XPEHUV /LVW rejects calls when incoming  
caller’s number matches one on the blocked numbers list.  
The $FWLYDWH option turns the restriction on. The 'HDFWL0  
YDWH turns the restriction off. The (GLW option allows you  
to add or remove numbers from the list.  
If you select (GLW, you have three different options:  
$GG 1R1 will add numbers to your list.  
5HPRYH 1R1 removes numbers from your list.  
5HPRYH $OO will clear the entire list.  
Confirm your selection or setting with 2..  
M e n u 6 6 , Se n d Yo u r O w n N u m b e r  
This feature specifies whether or not to display (i.e. 6HQG)  
your phone number to the person you are calling, on a call-  
by-call basis.  
Press 0HQX 6 6 before dialing. Then choose <HV or 1R and  
enter the number you wish to call at 1XPEHU=, then press  
Or, if you prefer, you can dial the number first. Then press  
to dial.  
0HQX 6 6, choose <HV or 1R, and press  
the number.  
or 2. to dial  
If you don’t make a selection, your phone uses the current  
default network setting. Check with your service provider  
to find out the setting for your home area.  
This menu appears on the menu only if activated with  
Menu 6 7. Contact your service provider for availability.  
Note: This feature functions only in systems equipped with  
Caller ID.  
M e n u 6 7 , N e tw o r k Fe a tu r e Se t tin g  
Call Forwarding, Call Waiting, Selective Call Acceptance,  
and Send Own Number are services available through  
your service provider or dealer. When you subscribe to any  
of these services, your service provider or dealer gives you  
a separate code (known as a “feature code”) to activate  
and deactivate each service.  
Menu 6 7 lets you store all the feature codes you use in  
your phone. Once the feature code is stored in your phone,  
the service appears as a menu item. You can then use the  
menu to activate and deactivate &$// )25:$5',1*/  
&$// :$,7,1*/ 6(/(&7,9( &$// $&&(37$1&(/ and  
6(1' 2:1 180%(5.  
To s to r e c o d e s  
1) Press 0HQX 6 7  
2) At )HDWXUH &RGH=, enter the code you want to store  
in your phone (e.g. 74), then 2.  
3) W to the service that the code applies to, then 6HOHFW  
4) W to suboption, then 2. (Repeat step as required,  
based on number of suboptions)  
To r e m o ve ite m s fr o m th e n e tw o r k  
s e r v ic e s m e n u  
Follow same steps as in “To store codes”, except press 2.  
at )HDWXUH FRGH= (without entering a code).  
Note: Any feature codes that are received from your ser-  
vice provider are unrelated to your phone’s security code.  
M e n u 7 , S y s t e m S e le c t io n  
This selection can be significant to the amount of roaming  
charges you pay.  
W h a t is Typ e A a n d Typ e B ?  
In each wireless service area there are usually two service  
providers operating on public wireless systems. They are  
referred to as type A and type B.  
When you first set up your wireless service account, your  
service provider will inform you of which system you should  
use (e.g. type A). This is your home system. The other sys-  
tem (e.g. type B) is known as a non-home type system.  
For example, if your home system is  
type A and you are roaming, the type  
A system in that area is a hometype  
system. The type B system would be  
a non-home type system.  
Ro a m in g  
Roaming is a term used to indicate that your phone is not in  
its home area. Calls made or received while roaming are  
usually more expensive than calls made in your home area.  
By setting your phone to use a home-type or preferred  
system, it’s possible for you to receive discounted roaming  
charges. Check with your service provider to maximize  
use of this feature.  
In non-preferred systems, normal roaming charges are de-  
termined by the host system.Your phone is designed to  
select a system most favorable to you concerning the cost  
of the call and reception quality.  
When roaming in some systems, you may need to have a  
roaming agreement in order to place a call. If no roaming  
agreement has been arranged, a network operator may in-  
terrupt and request information on how you intend to pay  
for the call.  
W h ic h s ys t e m s h o u ld yo u c h o o s e ?  
When roaming in an area where no home or preferred sys-  
tems are available, you can manually choose which  
system your phone uses.  
Sys te m c h o ic e s  
Depending on which system is in use, your phone will dis-  
play either the A or B indicator or no indicator in the top,  
left hand corner of your display.  
Your phone will automatically attempt calls using apreferred  
system. If your phone fails to find a preferred system, then  
it will use the selection you have chosen using Menu 7.  
$XWRPDWLF means your phone will attempt calls to a  
hometype system before trying to use a non-home type  
6HPL$XWR $ means your phone will attempt calls to sys-  
tem A unless a home or preferred system is available.  
6HPL$XWR % means your phone will attempt calls to sys-  
tem B unless a home or preferred system is available.  
+RPH DUHD means your phone cannot roam at all. Your  
phone will display 12 6(59,&( when you travel outside of  
your home area. Neither the A or B indicator will appear.  
If yo u h a v e m o r e t h a n o n e p h o n e n u m b e r  
The currently-selected NAM in your phone determines  
which system is your current home system.  
See Menu 8, NAM Selection in the following section for  
more details.  
Ro a m in g In d ic a to r s  
When your phone begins roaming, it  
displays 52$0,1*. If roaming in a  
non-preferred system, your phone  
will also display 52$0,1* and a ' will  
If your phone begins roaming during a  
call, and Beep-On-Roam (Menu 4 8) is set to 2Q, your  
phone will beep once.  
M e n u 8 , N A M S e le c t io n  
The service provider programs your phone with the phone  
number and system information into your phone’s memo-  
ry when your phone is first activated. This is called a  
Number Assignment Module (NAM).  
You can have your phone activated in up to 2 different ser-  
vice areas (e.g. one in Chicago, another in Dallas), each  
giving your phone a different phone number or account.  
Only one phone number is in effect at a time. When you se-  
lect a phone number, you’re also selecting which system  
you’re using as your home system. The first phone number  
displayed with this menu is the currently selected number.  
Note: You need at least one active number to make calls.  
You cannot change from one NAM to another during a call.  
M e n u 9 , N u m b e r Ed it o r  
You can edit the digits of a phone number that’s currently  
displayed. This helps in many instances, especially when  
you want to call a number already stored, but must first in-  
clude 1 plus the area code because you’re out of your  
home area.  
To e d it a s t o r e d p h o n e n u m b e r  
1) Recall a stored number  
2) Press 0HQX 9  
3) Edit phone number as needed (using W or V to  
move the cursor back and forth) and press 2.  
4) Press  
to dial the edited number, or press 0HPRU\  
then 6WRUH to store it  
If you wish to store the edited phone number, the message  
5(3/$&(" followed by the associated name will display  
(e.g. 5(3/$&(" 020). Simply press 2..  
Note: This feature will deactivate if no keys are pressed  
within ten seconds.  
M e n u 10 , A le r t O p t io n s  
This feature allows you to choose whether your phone  
rings, beeps once, or vibrates when you receive an incom-  
ing call. You can also choose to have your phone remain  
silent when someone calls you.  
Note: You’ll need an optional vibrating battery (BBT-1XV)  
when selecting vibrating options. See your dealer for details.  
With 6LOHQW, your phone only flashes its lights and dis-  
plays &$//, along with the caller’s number if Caller ID is  
See “Menu 3 1, Ringing Volume” on page 25 and “Menu 3  
2, Ringing Tone” on page 25 to select ringing tones and  
When %HHS RQFH/ 9LEUDWH or  
6LOHQW has been chosen, your  
phone displays 6,/(17. Call-related  
tones like message received or voice  
mail indication beeps become shorter  
with one of the above options  
When your phone is connected to a HF desktop charger,  
HF car kit, or headset, the alert option can be set sepa-  
rately for each of these accessories.  
M e n u 11, A c t iv a t e K e y g u a r d  
Please see “Keyguard” on page 12 for information on this  
7 . M e s s a g e s & P a g e s  
Voice Mail Notification, Paging, and Text Messaging are all  
network services. Please check with your service provider  
for the availability of these features.  
Vo ic e M e s s a g e s  
When you receive a voice message,  
phone beeps, lights up the voice  
message indicator, and displays  
92,&( 0(66$*(. The display shows  
the number of messages if there are  
more than one.  
To listen to your voice messages, simply press /LVWHQ. If  
you prefer to listen to them later, press 4XLW. Later, when  
you want to play your messages, press and hold 1 or  
press 1, then í, or you can use Menu 2 1.  
Note: To receive messages from your voice mailbox, your  
voice mailbox number must first be stored in your phone.  
When you receive a voice message or a page, the display  
text may vary due to short message services used by dif-  
ferent service providers.  
To s to r e yo u r v o ic e m a ilb o x n u m b e r  
Use Menu 2 3 to store your voice  
mailbox number. Your phone will  
need this information so it can access  
messages stored in your voice mail-  
box. Your voice mailbox number may  
be up to 30 digits long.  
Note: The voice mailbox may be provided by the network  
(the service provider gives you the number to call) or you  
may use the number of your own answering machine or  
service (however, your phone will not notify you of any  
messages received).  
Note: Any voice mail access number stored into your  
phone may be overwritten by the network if you subscribe  
to voice mail services. Contact your service provider for  
more details.  
Te x t M e s s a g e s  
a n d P a g e s  
When the text message network service is available and  
you’ve subscribed to it, your phone can receive and store  
text messages and pages. Contact your service provider  
for details on how to send text messages to your phone.  
The maximum length of a text message is 160 characters.  
Your phone has space for up to 30 text messages, de-  
pending on the length of each message. The network may  
have its own default message that is displayed when your  
phone is in the network coverage area. This does not pre-  
vent the use of your phone in any way.  
Re c e iv in g t e x t m e s s a g e s a n d p a g e s  
When you receive a text message  
and there’s enough space left in the  
message memory, 0(66$*(  
5(&(,9(' and the text message indi-  
cator are displayed, and a series of  
short tones are heard.  
See “The Display” at the beginning of this owner’s manual  
for a description of the Text Message indicator.  
If someone has paged you, your  
phone displays 3/($6( &$// fol-  
lowed by the phone number.  
Note: Some service providers may  
send a text message when notifying  
you of any pages received.  
To r e s p o n d t o yo u r m o s t r e c e n t p a g e  
With 3/($6( &$// on display, press &DOO OR press  
To r e a d t e x t m e s s a g e s & p a g e s a n y t im e  
1) Press 0HQX 2 2  
2) With message header on  
screen, press 5HDG  
3) Press W to read the message  
The messages are shown in the order that they were re-  
ceived or stored. New messages are shown first, in their  
order of priority, then old messages, in their chronological  
/2&.(' indicates that you’ve locked the message or  
page. It will not be overwritten even if there’s no space re-  
maining in your phone’s memory and there’s an attempt  
to deliver a new message to your phone. New messages  
or pages will override old unlocked messages or pages  
when there is no space remaining in your phone for new  
text messages.  
Re a d in g o p t io n s fo r te x t m e s s a g e s  
With message on screen  
1) Press 2SWLRQ  
2) Press W to the option you want (see below)  
3) Press 2.  
5HDG QH[W shows the next message.  
(UDVH deletes the current message from memory.  
/RFN/8QORFN allows you to lock and unlock messages.  
When a new message arrives and the message memory is  
full, the new message automatically overrides old messages  
unless they are locked.  
&DOO EDFN displays the first number from the current  
message and calls that number. You can also just press  
while the message is displayed.  
To s e t y o u r p h o n e to M e s s a g e s O n ly  
M o d e  
When you set Messages Only Mode to 2Q, you can receive  
voice mail notification, pages, and text messages. Your  
phone will not receive any incoming calls.  
A quick way to turn Messages Only  
Mode on or off is to press 0HQX #. Or,  
you can use 0HQX 3 9 to set it to 2Q.  
If you activate this feature via the  
menu, your phone will display 06*6  
21/<. If you use the 0HQX # shortcut,  
your phone will display ,1&20,1*  
&$//6 %/2&.(' or ,1&20,1*  
&$//6 $//2:(', depending on  
whether this feature is being activated  
or deactivated.  
If you turn your phone off without de-  
activating the Messages Only Mode, it will display  
,1&20,1* &$//6 %/2&.(' when you first turn it back on.  
The default setting for this feature is 2II.  
Note: Check with your service provider to see if they sup-  
port this feature. If not, you may not receive any messages  
while you are roaming, even when this feature is activated.  
8 . S e c u r it y F e a t u r e s  
S e c u r it y C o d e  
Your phone will prompt you for a five-  
digit security code to enter certain  
features. The factory default code is  
12345, and that is what your phone  
will accept until it is changed.  
If your service provider hasn’t already  
changed your security code, it’s recommended you have  
it changed immediately. Only your service provider can  
change your security code.  
Note: When entering your security code, ∗∗∗∗∗ will appear  
on the display to keep others from viewing your code.  
If yo u m a k e a m is t a k e e n t e r in g t h e c o d e ,  
Erase the incorrect digit by pressing  
to exit the current function.  
or press and hold  
W h a t if yo u e n t e r t h e w r o n g s e c u r it y  
c o d e ?  
You can still enter it again. But if you enter the wrong  
security code five times, your phone will activate a security  
If this happens, your phone will not accept a security code  
for about five minutes, even if you enter the correct one.  
You can still use your phone, but any attempts to enter the  
security code will reset the timer.  
Once the timer has elapsed, you may re-enter the correct  
security code to access security code protected features.  
Note: Your phone must remain on until the five minute  
timer has elapsed.  
M e n u 5 1, Auto m a tic Ph o n e Lo c k  
When this feature is activated, your phone will be locked  
every time you switch on your phone. You must enter a  
four-digit lock code to unlock your phone. Without enter-  
ing your lock code, you’ll be denied access to almost every  
memory and menu function.  
When your phone is locked, your  
phone will only allow incoming calls  
and calls to the number stored in  
memory location 100.  
Also, calls may be possible to the  
your phone (e.g. 911 or another official emergency num-  
ber), including calls attempted with Emergency Key 9.  
Note: When your phone is locked, calls attempted with a  
long press of the 9-key are possible only when Emergency  
Key 9 is turned on with Menu 3 4.  
If your phone is locked and you switch your phone off and  
back on again, you must enter the lock code.  
To e n te r t h e lo c k c o d e  
At (QWHU ORFN FRGH=, enter the lock code and  
press 2..  
Note: Your security code can be entered in place of the  
lock code when you are asked to enter the lock code.  
To a n s w e r a c a ll w ith A u t o L o c k o n  
To c a ll th e n u m b e r in lo c a t io n  
10 0 w ith A u t o L o c k o n  
With display empty, press V once, then  
To tu r n A u t o L o c k o ff  
Use Menu 5 1 and your lock code  
To c h a n g e y o u r lo c k c o d e  
You can change your lock code with your phone’s menu.  
It’s recommended that you change your code immediately  
because the default lock code (1234) appears in this own-  
er’s manual. In a lock code, only characters 0 to 9, and  
# are accepted.  
Changing the lock code is simple. Just use Menu 5 2 to do  
this. Make sure to have your security code handy, you’ll  
need it to change the lock code.  
Note: Avoid entering access codes similar to emergency  
numbers to prevent accidental emergency calls.  
M e n u 5 3 , R e s t r ic t C a lls  
This feature allows you to restrict incoming and outgoing  
calls to and from your phone. You can select the level of  
restrictions through a series of menu choices.  
M e n u 5 3 1, Re s t r ic t o u tg o in g c a lls  
$OORZHG means that all calls can be  
made as usual.  
%ORFNHG means that no calls can be  
/LPLWHG means that calls can be  
made only to phone numbers stored in certain memory  
When restricting outgoing calls by selecting /LPLWHG, you  
are prompted for an $OORZ IURP ORFDWLRQ= and 7R  
ORFDWLRQ= value. For example, at $OORZ IURP ORFDWLRQ=  
enter 1 and 7R ORFDWLRQ= enter 15, to allow only calls to  
the numbers stored in locations 1-15.  
When calls are restricted, calls may also be possible to the  
emergency number programmed into your phone (e.g. 911  
or other official emergency numbers). However, Emergency  
Key 9 may not operate depending on the type of restriction  
you choose.  
The default setting for this feature is $OORZHG.  
M e n u 5 3 2 , Re s t r ic t in t e r n a t io n a l c a lls  
$OORZHG means you can make international calls and  
%ORFNHG means you cannot.  
The default setting for this feature is $OORZHG.  
M e n u 5 3 3 , Re s t r ic t a ll in c o m in g c a lls  
$OORZHG means you can receive all calls and %ORFNHG  
means you cannot receive any calls.  
The default setting for this feature is $OORZHG.  
M e n u 5 4 , H id e M e m o r y  
This feature will prevent your phone from displaying the  
phone number stored in your personal directory.  
To h id e n u m b e r s in m e m o r y  
Use Menu 5 4. You’ll need your security code to do this.  
To hide only one location, enter the location number at  
To hide a series of locations, such as locations 10-15,  
enter the first location, for example 10, at +LGH IURP  
ORFDWLRQ=. and the last location, for example 15, at 7R  
A u t o m a t ic P IN C a lls  
In some wireless networks, PIN (Personal Identification  
Number) Calls are used to prevent fraud. Check with your  
service provider to see if your network uses this security  
To use this feature, you must set  
Menu 3 8, 21(0728&+ 3,1 &$//6,  
to 2Q.  
After you select 2Q, the phone asks  
you to enter a PIN Code. Enter the  
code given to you by your service  
provider, then press 2..  
To deactivate PIN Calls, enter Menu 3 8 and select 2II,  
then press 2..  
Note: All PIN Codes are assigned by the service provider.  
To m a k e c a lls u s in g P IN C o d e s  
Make sure that Menu 3 8 is set to 2Q.  
1) Make the call as normal  
2) The phone displays 3,1 &$//  
3) When you hear the audio PIN prompt, press 2. to  
send the PIN code  
Once the PIN Code is sent and validated, the call goes  
through as normal. If the PIN sending fails, the network  
gives a tone to indicate this.  
If you are in an area that is not supported by PIN Calls and  
this feature is turned on, press either  
making a call.  
or 4XLW when  
9 . Te m p o r a r y L is t s  
& C a ll Tim e r s  
Your phone automatically stores the last ten numbers  
you’ve dialed, numbers of the last ten calls you’ve an-  
swered, and the numbers of the last ten calls you missed.  
It also gives you ten temporary storage spaces in a “notepad.”  
Note: Your phone displays the phone numbers of received  
and missed calls only if you have subscribed to Caller ID  
and the wireless system is able to identify the caller.  
M e n u 0 1 1, D ia le d N u m b e r s  
With display empty, press í, then quickly press W  
or V to scroll the list  
If you want to call any of the other numbers in the list, press  
while that number is displayed.  
To call the first number that appears on your screen, simply  
wait a few seconds and your phone will dial it  
The top right corner of the display shows the location  
number of the last dialed number (L0 - L9). 0HQX 01 1 also  
accesses the Dialed Numbers list.  
M e n u 0 1 2 , A n s w e r e d C a lls  
With display empty, press then W or V to scroll the  
This shows the calling phone numbers of the ten most re-  
cent calls you’ve answered. If the number listed is stored  
in your personal directory, press  
to view associated  
names. Also, you can press 0HQX 01 2 to access this list.  
M e n u 0 1 3 , M is s e d C a lls  
When you miss a phone call, your phone will display 4  
0,66(' &$//. Simply press /LVW to view the number.  
If you wish to view the number later, press 4XLW.  
You can view the number later by using the following step.  
With display empty, press twice  
(a + will appear on the display),  
then press W or V to scroll the  
This shows you the calling phone  
numbers of the 10 most recent calls  
you’ve missed. 0HQX 01 3 also accesses the Missed Calls  
When the )25:$5' ,) 127 $16:(5(' option in the Call  
Forwarding feature is activated, your phone treats the for-  
warded calls as missed calls.  
N o t e p a d  
Use the Notepad to store names and numbers that you  
don’t want stored in your personal directory. The Notepad  
holds up to 10 names and numbers.  
To s to r e n u m b e r s a n d n a m e s in n o te p a d  
1) Enter name and number as you  
normally would, but at 6725( ,1  
/2&$7,21, press #  
2) Press 2.  
See “Your Personal Directory” on  
page 17 for details on storing numbers.  
To s e e n u m b e r s a n d n a m e s in n o t e p a d  
With an empty display, press #, then W or V.  
The top right corner of the display shows the location  
number of the notepad ( 0 - 9).  
To c le a r t e m p o r a r y lis ts a n d n o t e p a d  
Press 0HQX 01 4.  
This clears Dialed Numbers, Answered Calls, Missed  
Calls, and the notepad. You cannot undo this operation,  
so be careful!  
M e n u 0 1 7 , C a ll Tim e r s  
This feature is for those of you who want to keep track of  
calls for billing purposes. Your phone has separate call  
timers for each phone number (NAM) your phone uses.  
This shows call durations for the NAM that is currently  
Use 0HQX 01 7 and press W repeat-  
edly to show durations of /$67 &$//,  
$// &$//6, +20( $5($ &$//6,  
52$0,1* &$//6 & 727$/ ,10&$//  
Note: The actual time invoiced for  
calls by your service provider may vary, depending upon  
items such as network features, rounding off for billing,  
and taxes.  
To c le a r C a ll Tim e r s  
Use Menu 01 7 6 to clear all call timers for the currently-  
selected NAM, except for the Total In-Call Time. This is a  
running total of all calls made with your phone and cannot  
be reset.  
10 . To u c h To n e s  
Your phone can generate various sounds, called Touch  
Tones, when the keys are pressed.  
Touch Tones can be used for many automated, over-the-  
phone services such as checking bank balances, airline  
arrival and departure times, and using voice mailbox op-  
tions. Touch Tones can be sent only when a call is active.  
W h a t is D TM F?  
Touch Tones are also known as “DTMF”, which means  
Dual Tone Multi-Frequency, and they are generated either  
manually or automatically.  
Note: Individual Touch Tones can be sent manually only if  
Menu 4 3 is set to 2Q.  
To u c h To n e S e t t in g s  
M e n u 4 3 , M a n u a l D TM F To n e s  
This setting determines how long touch tones are pro-  
duced as you press the keys on the keypad.  
&RQWLQXRXV means the tone sounds for as long as you  
press and hold the key.  
)L[HG sets the tone length to .1 seconds, regardless of  
how long you press the key.  
2II turns the tones off, and no tones will be sent when you  
press the keys.  
The default setting for this feature is )L[HG.  
M e n u 4 4 , A u t o D TM F L e n g th  
This feature determines the length of each Touch Tone  
when they are sent automatically.  
6KRUW sets the tone length to 100 ms. /RQJ sets the tone  
length to 500 ms.  
The default setting is 6KRUW.  
To u c h To n e S t r in g s  
Touch Tone strings can be used for sending and receiving  
information with your phone. For example, you can store  
your office voice mailbox number, along with your pass-  
word for easy access to your messages.  
To s to r e To u c h To n e s t r in g s  
Store Touch Tone strings the same way you store  
phone numbers.  
You can store a whole digit sequence in a memory loca-  
tion and send it as Touch Tones for frequently-used  
strings of numbers.  
These number strings can also be linked with other stored  
phone numbers. Read on for more information on linking  
strings with stored numbers.  
To s e n d a To u c h To n e s t r in g  
During a call, with the display empty (make sure Menu 4 3  
is not set to 2II)  
1) Dial or recall from memory the string you want to send  
2) Press 0HQX, then  
Note: Use caution when sending confidential information  
over the air when using DTMF tones in analog mode.  
Sp e c ia l C h a r a c t e r s  
Pressing ∗∗∗ creates a “p” (pause) when you are storing  
numbers. When the number is dialed, the digits stored to  
the right of the “p” are automatically sent as touch tones  
after a 2.5 second pause.  
Pressing ∗∗∗∗ creates a “w” (wait) when you are storing  
numbers. The “w” makes the phone wait for you to press  
the '70) soft key, then it sends the digits stored to the  
right of the “w” as touch tones.  
You can add as many “p” and “w” characters as you need  
in a single number sequence.  
To s t o r e To u c h To n e s t r in g s  
w it h a p h o n e n u m b e r  
1) Enter the phone number (e.g. your office voice mailbox)  
2) Press ∗∗∗ (p) or ∗∗∗∗ (w)  
3) Enter the Touch Tone string  
(e.g. voice mailbox password)  
4) Store the number as you normally would  
When you dial this number, your phone first dials the  
phone number, then waits (because of the “w” character)  
for you to press '70) (which will display as a soft key).  
Your phone then sends your password.  
If you include a “p” character instead of a “w”, your phone  
pauses for 2.5 seconds, then automatically sends your  
password as Touch Tones.  
To lin k a s t o r e d p h o n e n u m b e r to To u c h  
To n e s tr in g s in a n o th e r m e m o r y lo c a t io n  
Use this if the phone number and DTMF digits do not fit in  
one storage location. This feature links the phone number  
to the memory location storing the DTMF string.  
1) Enter the phone number  
2) Press ∗∗ (+)  
3) Enter memory location storing the DTMF string  
4) Store the number as you normally would  
Wheníyou recall this number sequence from memory and  
, your phone dials the phone number, displays  
digits stored in the memory location after the “+”, then  
sends them as Touch Tones when you press '70).  
Note: Your phone expects a memory location after the “+”  
character. If one is not stored, you will need to enter a lo-  
cation number at the prompt. Then press 2. to send the  
contents of that memory location as Touch Tones.  
11. D a t a & F a x C a lls  
Your phone can send or receive data when it’s connected  
to a compatible data terminal (such as a PC) through a  
data adapter (such as a PC card) and a compatible cellular  
You can also send and receive faxes when your phone is  
connected to a data terminal with fax capability through a  
data adapter and a compatible cellular cable.  
Note: Before sending or receiving a data or fax call, you  
should select $QDORJ mode in Dual Mode Selection  
(Menu 6 1) for your phone.  
Check that the data terminal is properly installed. See the  
documentation for the data adapter and terminal.  
You cannot make a data or fax call while you have a call  
already in progress.  
Note: Be sure to make backup copies of important data  
before initiating a fax or data call.  
To s ta r t a n o u t g o in g d a t a o r fa x c a ll  
1) A data or fax transmission is always started from the  
data terminal  
2) Start the transmission from the data terminal as you  
normally would. Your phone calls the number you  
entered into the display terminal.  
automatically, or you can press  
After the data or fax transmissioôn, the call should end  
on your phone  
1) Press  
To r e c eíiv e a d a t a o r fa x c a ll  
to answer the call. Or, if you know that the  
incoming call is a data or fax call, you can answer the  
call from the data terminal.  
2) After receiving the data or fax, the call should end  
automatically, or you can press  
on your phone  
12 . A c c e s s o r ie s  
In addition to the accessories that were included in your  
phone’s sales package, you may also find a separate full  
color accessories brochure. You can select from a wide  
range of Nokia accessories to accommodate your specific  
communication needs.  
For availability, please check with your local dealer.  
A fe w p r a c tic a l r u le s fo r a c c e s s o r y o p e r a tio n  
Keep all accessories out of the reach of small children.  
When you disconnect the power cord of any acces-  
sory, grasp and pull the plug, not the cord.  
Check regularly that all cellular phone equipment in a  
vehicle is mounted and operating properly.  
Installation of complex car accessories must be made  
by qualified personnel only.  
Note: Use only batteries, antennas, chargers, and acces-  
sories approved by the phone manufacturer. The use of  
any other types will invalidate any approval or warranty ap-  
plying to the phone, and may be dangerous.  
B a t t e r ie s  
The following battery options are available for your phone.  
Charging times in the table are approximate, using either  
the Rapid Travel Charger (ACH-4U) or the Rapid Cigarette  
Lighter Charger (LCH-2). Talk times are also approximate.  
(BBH-1S) 600 mAh NiMH Slim Battery  
(BBT-1XV) 600 mAh NiMH Vibrating Battery  
(BBH-2H) 1100 mAh NiCd Ultra Extended Battery  
(BBH-1H) 1700 mAh NiMH Ultra Extended Battery  
Also, see “Your Phone’s Battery” on page 3 and “Impor-  
tant battery information” on page 6.  
A p p r o x im a t e b a t t e r y o p e r a tio n tim e s  
C h a r g in g  
Tim e  
St a n d b y  
Tim e  
B a t t e r y  
Ta lk Tim e  
60 min.  
60 min.  
120 min.  
Up to 1 hr.  
15 min.  
Up to 27 hrs.  
600 mAh  
Up to 13 hrs.  
Up to 1 hr.  
600 mAh  
Up to 1 hr.  
15 min.  
Up to 27 hrs.  
Up to 13 hrs.  
Up to 1 hr.  
Up to 2 hrs  
15 min.  
Up to 49 hrs.  
1100 mAh  
Up to 23 hrs.  
Up to 1 hr.  
50 min.  
180 min.  
Up to 3 hrs  
30 min.  
Up to 76 hrs.  
1700 mAh  
Up to 36 hrs.  
Up to 2 hrs.  
50 min.  
Note: Battery operation times vary according to signal  
conditions, network parameters set by the operator, and  
extreme temperatures.  
Using the phone near the network’s base station consumes  
less power. Keeping the antenna fully extended whenever  
possible maintains the connection to the network with less  
C h a r g e r s  
It is recommended that you allow your battery to fully dis-  
charge before you recharge it. Batteries last longer and  
perform better if allowed to discharge fully once in a while.  
Also, see “When should you charge?” on page 4.  
Ra p id Tr a v e l C h a r g e r (AC H -4 U)  
This light and compact AC  
charger can be used with all  
battery options.  
To use the Rapid Travel  
Charger, plug it into a wall  
outlet and connect the lead  
from the charger to the base  
of your phone.  
This charger can also be  
used together with the Light  
Desktop Charging Stand  
(CHH-2L) and the Compact  
Desktop Charging Stand  
Ra p id C ig a r e tt e L ig h t e r C h a r g e r (L C H -2 )  
You can charge your  
phone’s battery from your  
vehicle’s battery by using  
the Rapid Cigarette Lighter  
Charger (LCH-2). Calls are  
possible during charging.  
If the charger is connected  
to your phone, a red light indicates that your phone is  
charging. A green light means your phone is either finished  
charging or it is in trickle charge. When the charger is not  
connected to your phone, the green light means it is ready  
for charging. The battery charging times are the same as  
those for the Rapid Travel Charger (ACH-4U).  
The input voltage range is from 10 to 30V DC, negative  
grounding. Avoid prolonged charging with the Rapid Cig-  
arette Lighter Charger (LCH-2) when the car engine is not  
running; this may cause the battery of your car to drain.  
Note also that in some cars the cigarette lighter plug is not  
provided with electricity if the ignition is not switched on.  
Fu s e Re p la c e m e n t  
The Rapid Cigarette Lighter Charger contains a protective  
fuse. The fuse is located in the charger tip. If the charger  
does not work, the fuse may be blown, in which case re-  
place it with a 3 amp. 250 volt fuse. Never use a fuse with  
a higher rating.  
C o m p a c t D e s k to p C h a r g in g St a n d  
(C H H -2 )  
The Compact Desktop Charging  
Stand (CHH-2) allows you to place  
both the phone and a spare battery  
for charging at the same time in the  
stand. It is compatible with all bat-  
tery options.  
The charger starts to charge the spare battery as soon as  
it has finished charging the phone battery.  
Connect the Rapid Travel Charger (ACH-4U) to the stand,  
and then plug the Rapid Travel Charger into a wall outlet.  
Place the phone and/or the spare battery in the stand.  
To discharge the spare battery, press the blue button on  
the stand. When the battery is totally discharged, recharg-  
ing starts automatically. (If you wish to stop discharging,  
press the button again to start the charging right away.)  
Only the spare battery can be discharged.  
The blinking red light indicates discharging, the continuous  
red light indicates recharging and the green light indicates  
trickle charging. The phone is ready for use when the  
green light appears (check the charge on the phone  
L ig h t D e s k t o p C h a r g in g Sta n d (C H H -2 L )  
The Light Desktop Charging  
Stand (CHH-2L) offers support  
for the phone during charging.  
Used together with the Rapid  
Travel Charger (ACH-4U), this  
drop-in stand is an economical  
choice when you need your  
phone close at hand, always ready for calls.  
Charging is indicated by the scrolling battery bars on the  
right side of the phone’s display. Charging is finished when  
the scrolling stops.  
Note: The Light Desktop Charging Stand (CHH-2L) may  
not be available in all markets. Please consult your dealer  
for more information on availability.  
13 . C a r e & M a in t e n a n c e  
Your phone is a product of superior design and craftsman-  
ship and should be treated with care. The suggestions  
below will help you to fulfill the warranty obligations and to  
enjoy this product for many years.  
Keep your phone and all its parts and accessories out of  
small children’s reach.  
Keep your phone dry. Precipitation, humidity and liquids  
contain minerals that will corrode electronic circuits.  
Do not use or store your phone in dusty, dirty areas. Its  
moving parts can be damaged.  
Do not store your phone in hot areas. High temperatures  
can shorten the life of electronic devices, damage batteries,  
and warp or melt certain plastics.  
Do not store your phone in cold areas. When your phone  
warms up (to its normal temperature), moisture can form  
inside your phone, which may damage electronic circuit  
Do not attempt to open your phone. Non-expert handling  
of your phone may damage it.  
Do not drop, knock or shake your phone. Rough handling  
can break internal circuit boards.  
Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong  
detergents to clean your phone. Wipe it with a soft cloth  
slightly dampened in a mild soap-and-water solution.  
If your phone or any of its accessories are not working  
properly, take them to your nearest qualified service facility.  
The personnel there will assist you, and if necessary, ar-  
range for service.  
14 . F o r Yo u r S a f e t y  
Tr a f f ic S a f e t y  
Do not use a hand-held telephone while driving a vehicle.  
If using a hand-held phone, park the vehicle before  
Always secure your phone in its holder; do not place your  
phone on the passenger seat or where it can break loose  
in a collision or sudden stop.  
The use of an alert device to operate a vehicle’s lights or  
horn on public roads is not permitted.  
Remember, road safety always comes first!  
O p e r a t in g En v ir o n m e n t  
Remember to follow any special regulations in force in any  
area and always switch off your phone whenever it’s forbid-  
den to use it, or when it may cause interference or danger.  
Operation of any radio transmitting equipment, including  
cellular phones, may interfere with the functionality of inad-  
equately protected medical devices. Consult a physician  
or the manufacturer of the medical device if you have any  
questions. Other electronic equipment may also be sub-  
ject to interference.  
As withother mobile radio transmitting equipment, users are  
advised that for the satisfactory operation of the equip-  
ment and for the safety of personnel, it’s recommended  
that the equipment should only be used in the normal op-  
erating position.  
Users are advised to switch off their phones when at a re-  
fueling point (gas station). Users are reminded of the need  
to observe restrictions on the use of radio equipment in  
fuel depots (fuel storage and distribution areas), chemical  
plants or where blasting operations are in progress.  
Do not store or carry flammable liquids, gases or explosive  
materials in the same compartment as your phone, its  
parts or accessories.  
Only qualified personnel should install or service a phone  
in a vehicle. Faulty installation or service may be danger-  
ous and may invalidate any warranty which may apply to  
the unit.  
Electronic fuel injection systems, electronic anti-skid brak-  
ing systems, electronic cruise control systems and other  
electronic systems can malfunction due to the lack of pro-  
tection from radio signals. Check regularly that all cellular  
phone equipment in your vehicle is mounted and operat-  
ing properly.  
Switch off your cellular phone when in an aircraft. The use  
of cellular telephones in an aircraft may be dangerous to  
the operation of the aircraft, disrupt the cellular network,  
and is illegal.  
Failure to observe these instructions may lead to suspen-  
sion or denial of cellular telephone services to the offender,  
or legal action or both.  
Em e r g e n c y C a lls  
Your phone, like any cellular phone, operates using radio  
signals, cellular and landline networks as well as user-pro-  
grammed functions which cannot guarantee connection in  
all conditions. Therefore you should never rely solely upon  
any cellular phone for essential communications (e.g.  
medical emergencies).  
Remember, to make or receive any calls your phone must  
be switched on and in a service area with adequate cellular  
signal strength.  
Emergency calls may not be possible on all cellular phone  
networks or when certain network services and/or phone  
features are in use. Check with local cellular service  
Em e r g e n c y c a lls o n yo u r p h o n e  
If certain features are in use (Keyguard, Locking, Call Re-  
stricting etc.), you may first need to turn those features off  
before you can make an emergency call. Consult this doc-  
ument and your local cellular service provider. When  
making an emergency call, remember to give all the nec-  
essary information as accurately as possible. Remember  
that your cellular phone may be the only means of commu-  
nication at the scene of an accident - do not cut off the call  
until given permission to do so.  
Use only batteries, antennas, chargers and accessories  
approved by the phone manufacturer. The use of any oth-  
er types will invalidate any approval or warranty applying to  
the phone, and may be dangerous.  
15 . Te c h n ic a l D a t a  
Cellular System  
8.39 oz (238g) with 600mAh  
NiMH Slim Battery  
11.1 oz (314g) with 1700mAh  
NiMH Ultra Extended Battery  
Frequency Range  
824.040 - 848.970 MHz (TX)  
869.040 - 893.970 MHz (RX)  
Transmitter Output Power 0.4mW to 600mW nominal,  
in six 4dB steps (AMPS)  
10µW to 250mW (CDMA)  
Battery Voltage  
6 V nominal  
Charging current  
Operating Temperature  
750mA typical  
-20°C to + 55°C  
(-4°F to + 140°F)  
Number of Channels  
Number of NAMs  
Memory Locations  
Memory Capacity  
Alpha: 16 digits per location  
Numeric: 16 digits per location  
+ 30 digits in 8 locations.  
NOKIA MOBILE PHONES – 6200 Courtney Campbell Causeway,  
Suite 900, Tampa, FL 33607  
Tel: 1-888-NOKIA2U (1-888-665-4228)  
NOKIA PRODUCTS LTD. – 575 Westney Rd. South,  
Ajax, Ontario L1S 4N7. Tel: (905) 427-6654  
Part No. 9350916  
Printed in Canada  
The information contained in this phone was written for  
dual-mode phone NHD-4NX. The right to make changes  
and improvements to any of the products described in this  
guide without prior notice is reserved.  
Issue No. 3. ©1998 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.  
NOKIA One-Year Limited Warranty  
Nokia Mobile Phones, Inc. (“NMPI”) warrants that this cellular  
phone (“Product") is free from defects in material and  
workmanship, according to the following terms and conditions:  
The limited warranty for the Product extends for ONE (1) year  
beginning on the date of purchase of the Product.  
2. The limited warranty extends only to the original consumer  
purchaser (“Consumer”) of the Product and is not assignable or  
transferable to any subsequent purchaser/end user.  
The limited warranty extends only to Consumers who  
purchase the Product in the United States.  
4. During the limited warranty period, NMPI will repair, or  
replace, at NMPI’s option, any defective parts, or any parts that will  
not properly operate for their intended use with new or factory  
rebuilt replacement items. No charge will be made to the  
Consumer for any such parts . NMPI will also pay for the labor  
charges incurred by NMPI in repairing or replacing the defective  
parts. The external housing and cosmetic parts shall be free of  
defects at the time of shipment and, therefore, shall not be covered  
under these limited warranty terms.  
Upon request from NMPI, the Consumer must provide  
information to reasonably prove the date of purchase.  
6. The Consumer shall bear the cost of shipping the Product to  
the Customer Service Department of NMPI. NMPI shall bear the  
cost of shipping the Product back to the Consumer after the  
completion of service under this limited warranty.  
The Consumer shall have no coverage or benefits under this  
limited warranty if any of the following conditions are applicable:  
a) The Product has been subject to abnormal use, abnormal  
conditions, improper storage, exposure to moisture or dampness,  
unauthorized modifications, unauthorized connections,  
unauthorized repair, misuse, neglect, abuse, accident, alteration,  
improper installation, or other acts which are not the fault of NMPI,  
including damage caused by shipping and blown fuses.  
The Customer Service Department at NMPI was not notified  
by Consumer of the alleged defect or malfunction of the Product  
during the applicable limited warranty period.  
The Product serial number plate or the accessory date code  
has been removed, defaced, or altered.  
The defect or damage was caused by the defective function  
of the cellular system, or by inadequate signal reception by the  
external antenna.  
If a problem develops during the limited warranty period, the  
Consumer should take the following step-by-step procedure:  
a) The Consumer shall return the Product to the place of  
purchase for repair or replacement processing.  
b) If “a” is not convenient the Consumer may contact the  
Customer Service Department at NMPI, at the phone number  
listed on the bottom of this page for further instructions.  
The Consumer shall ship the Product prepaid and insured.  
Expenses related to removing the Product from an installation are  
not covered under this limited warranty.  
The Consumer will be billed for any parts or labor charges  
not covered by this limited warranty. The Consumer shall be  
responsible for expenses related to reinstallation of the Product.  
If the Product is returned to the Customer Service  
Department at NMPI during the limited warranty period, but the  
problem with the Product cannot be fixed under the terms and  
conditions of this limited warranty, the Consumer will be notified  
and given an estimate of the charges the Consumer must pay to  
have the Product repaired, with all shipping charges billed to the  
Consumer. If the estimate is refused, the Product will be returned  
freight collect. If the Product is returned to the Customer Service  
Department at NMPI after the expiration of the warranty period,  
NMPI’s normal service policies shall apply and the Consumer will  
be invoiced for all shipping charges.  
The Product consists of newly assembled equipment that  
may contain used components which have been reprocessed to  
allow machine compliance with Product performance and reliability  
11. Some states do not allow limitation of how long an implied  
warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you (the  
Consumer). Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or  
consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusions may  
not apply to you (the Consumer). This limited warranty gives you  
specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary  
from state to state.  
12. NMPI neither assumes nor authorizes any authorized service  
center or any person or entity to assume for it any other obligation  
or liability beyond that which is expressly provided for in this limited  
13. Questions concerning this limited warranty may be directed  
to the Customer Service Department at Nokia, 6200 Courtney  
Campbell Causeway, Suite 900, Tampa, FL 33607.  
Tel.: 1-888-NOKIA2U (1-888-665-4228) or (813) 288-3800,  
Fax: (813) 287-6612.  
14. The limited warranty period for Nokia Product Corp. supplied  
attachments and accessories are specifically defined within their  
own warranty cards and packaging.  
In d e x  
Personal Reminder Note 30  
Recalling numbers by name 21  
Ringing tone 25  
Stop your phone from ringing 10  
Switching letter case 18  
Countdown timer 31  
Accessories 57  
Alert options 39  
Alpha mode 17  
Answering a call 9  
Automatic answer 26  
Automatic phone lock 46  
Automatic PIN Calls 48  
Automatic redial 26  
Data calls 56  
Distinct Ringing 14  
Dual mode selection 33  
Basic features 9  
Batteries 57  
Earpiece volume 16  
Emergency calls 64  
Emergency Key 9 11, 26  
Making an emergency call 11  
Discharging your battery 5  
Important battery info. 6  
Installing and removing 3  
Call Forwarding 33  
Call Restriction 47  
Call settings 25  
Fast save 19  
Fax calls 56  
FCC/Industry Canada notice 2  
Call timers 52  
Call Waiting 15  
Caller ID 14  
Calling card 27  
Care and maintenance 62  
Chargers 59  
Help text 22  
Hide memory 48  
Charging and recharging 4  
Cool Features 9  
Keyguard 12  
Keypad tones 30  
Automatic phone lock 46  
Automatic redial 26  
Call Forwarding 33  
Distinct Ringing 14  
Fast save 19  
Language settings 32  
Last number redial 14  
Lights 29  
Lock code 46  
Changing your lock code 47  
Keyguard 12  
Last number redial 14  
Message mode 29  
Notepad 51  
Number editor 39  
One-Touch Dialing 13  
Send Your Own Number 35  
Signal strength 8  
Special characters 18, 54  
Speed Dial 13  
Stop your phone from ringing 10  
Storing names and numbers 19  
Switching letter case 18  
Switching your phone on 9  
System selection 36  
Making a call 10  
Menu 22  
Menu guidelines 22  
Menu list 32  
Shortcuts 22  
Summary of menu functions 23  
Message mode 29, 44  
Muting the microphone 16  
Technical data 66  
Temporary lists 50  
Text messages 42  
Touch tones 53  
NAM selection 38  
Network feature setting 35  
Network services 32  
Network time 32  
Displaying network time 32  
Notepad 51  
Using this owners manual 2  
Number editor 39  
Voice mailbox number 41  
Voice messages 41  
One-Touch Dialing 13, 26  
Paging 42  
Personal Directory 17  
Personal Reminder Note 30  
Phone settings 29  
Restore settings 31  
Ringing tone 25  
Ringing volume 25  
Roaming 37  
Beep-On-Roam 32  
Roaming indicators 38  
Safety 63  
At a glance 1  
Security code 45  
Security features 45  
Selective Call Acceptance 34  

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